About Me

Amongst the boredom of lockdown, Melanie Andersen Art was found. With the luxury of time to figure out what I wanted to do with my life while the world was in turmoil, I realised I could happily spend all day every day with some paint pouring ideas onto canvas.

Entirely self taught, I take deep inspiration from nature, music, art, fashion, history, film and poetry. All collections of work are ever evolving like the times we live in. Finding the way I want to execute and express my art has been a learning process, and a journey of self acceptance whilst trying to be present with the direction and origin for each piece.   

At times i've wanted people to see themselves at certain points of their life in my work. Speaking to love, happiness, heartbreak, rejection and everything in between. Early collections are expressive and obvious with their mood and resonate like the a language of our generation. 

My newest projects have come from a major creative transition in life and weeks of experimentation. Using calm brush strokes and more earthy tones to contrast bright colours I feel this is very representative of where I am in life now. Creating beautiful nature inspired pieces that make me feel at peace. Texture is added through thick paint, plaster, resin or sometimes even paper. I want my pieces to be touched and looked at from all angles. 

I take sanctuary at my home studio where I am happy to show pieces in the flesh and talk further about commissions and working together to create your perfect piece. Alternatively look forward to my next exhibition space soon!